Tuesday 25 September 2012

Narcissus and Echo

I am a big history nerd and I love the idea of somehow teaching it to young children in fun ways. I actually have an Ancient Greece theme all planned out to use one day. Part of that would be telling Greek Myths. I figured one of the easiest (and most fun) story to do would be of Narcissus and Echo.

I decided to do silhouettes and to do them in foam because I like working with foam. I'd intro with these pieces explaining how vain Narcissus is and how Echo was in love with him. Then go into the whole rejection thing and how she was so upset she lived in a cave and eventually faded into the dark, cursed with only being able to repeat what others said.
And Narcissus saw his own reflection and fell in love. (Fun fact: When I was making this my teacher came up and asked why I was making playboy dollies.)

And then Narcissus got turned into a flower and lived by his reflection forever. We named the flower after him. The end.

Of course this can lead into fun with science with learning about echos or into more Ancient Greece!

:) Angie

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